Quick blurb of the show The beloved TV show Mother and Son comes to the stage in a new and modern tale. Written by the original creator Geoffrey Atherden, this tale sees beloved Maggie being cared for by her youngest son Arthur. But when Arthur falls in love, can he convince Robert, his older brother and Liz, his brother’s wife, to step up and take care of Maggie so he can propose to Anita? From amongst the familial chaos comes a story of warmth and love surrounding their loved one as they confront dementia and the changes it brings.
Name of interviewee & role in the production
Christine Rule (Maggie Beare) and Brenton Amies (Arthur Beare)
Tell us a bit about yourself? (How long have you been doing shows? What do you do outside of theatre? What do you enjoy the most about theatre? Whatever you want to share!)
Christine: I am a retired modern languages teacher who has always been interested in performing live theatre. I really enjoy the challenge of bringing a character to an audience, making them, especially my family and friends, forget that they’re watching me, and become immersed in the story of the character I’m playing.
I am a founding member (1989) of Stepping Out Theatre Inc, a community theatre based in Berowra. With this group I have been involved both on and off stage, learning by doing, and by working with many very talented people. I have also enjoyed performing several of the classic female roles with Epicentre Theatre, Theatre on Chester, and Theatre in the Park.
Apart from theatre, my interests are plant propagation, mosaic making and family.
Brenton: I’m Brenton, I play Arthur Beare. I’ve been involved in theatre for many, many years, since I was a child. I’ve got a background in sketch and improv comedy.

What can audiences look forward to when they come see the show?
Christine: I hope that all the time, commitment, and hard work of the whole cast and crew will bring a powerful production to not only our regular subscription audience, but also to people who may be new to live theatre. I hope they all go away with an eager intention of coming back for more. I hope they continue to support community theatre at its best.
Brenton: Poignancy. Relatable family drama. Some great laughs with characters that people have known and loved for many years. And if they’ve not met the Beare family yet, they’re in for a treat!
How has been the rehearsal process?
Christine: I’m lucky that I’m working with lovely people, cast and crew, all new to me, whom I feel I can trust to do their bit. I love the collaborative process so I’m very fortunate to have a director’s team who also works that way. Solutions to textual problems and character building are most satisfying when we’ve all had a good chat about the possibilities. Happily, we’ve agreed to allow the director the final say!
Brenton: Very collaborative. Jasper [Kyle, director] and I’ve actually known each other since high school, so we have a shorthand. There’s a lot of room to play with ideas and discover new things which is not only fun, but really important in comedy.
What do you like about the show? Why did you choose to be involved?
Christine: I always like being able to surprise an audience with a fresh take on an old story.
Many audience members will be familiar with the original TV Mother and Son. This updated version offers opportunities to reexamine the theme of aging. Being offered the role of Maggie was a gift for me, an ageing actor! How could I turn it down?
Brenton: I mean, it’s an institution! I’m a big fan of when poignancy sits right next to comedy, and this play achieves that beautifully. There’s also a challenge in that as an actor, which I find enticing.
Other than yourself, which cast member do you think audiences should keep an eye out for? Who is really bringing it?
Christine: During rehearsals, it’s become obvious to me that the relationship between the two brothers, Arthur and Robert, is beautifully written and will be a joy to watch on stage because of the talent of those two actors.
Brenton: It’s an ensemble, everyone is bringing it!
What do you want the audience to think about? What is the message of the show?
Christine: I think that the author, Geoffrey Atherden, has used humour to tackle what could be a very sad, sensitive topic: what happens when the parent becomes the child? In the past, dementia was hidden. Today, in our aging population, we are becoming more involved with the insidious disintegration not only of the body, but also of the brain. Very few of us will be untouched by this, somewhere in our families. How will we cope?
Brenton: Be kind to your mother! Also, be good to your kids; they choose your nursing home!
Mother and Son will be performed at Club Ryde from the 22nd of November to the 8th of December. For more information click this link.
